Thursday, October 9, 2014

night sky

John Bauer
Riddaren Rider, 1914
Wikimedia Commons

i fell from the sky

moonlight dancing

on bits of memory

etched on junk dna

left behind

as the universe

found its rhythm.

i called out to the sun

to find its way to me

a memory imprinted

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2014

Posted for Poets United


  1. the lines that really make this for me is that call to the sun to find a way to use you...there is something spiritual, something honest in those lines...

    1. Thank you Brian--for me this is the most inner me here on the page

  2. Is the memory of the place once held or of the call out to the sun? Either way, this poem reminds me of my youth.

  3. The sky, the sun, the universe & a memory imprinted -- lovely to contemplate.

    1. Hi Mary! Thank you for your visit to my little blog and for your kind words!

  4. Once on a trip to Sweden, I visited John Bauer's hometown and saw a lot of his paintings. I like how the tone of your poem reflects his own artistic world.

  5. I specially love these lines Audrey:

    etched on junk dna

    left behind
    as the universe
    found its rhythm.


  6. Nice. I find hope in this poem. The night sky calling for the sun. And we know the sun will rise.

  7. the speaker seems to be in search of her trajectory where she's to dance round the sun....nicely done...

  8. was struck by the reference to memory etched on junk dna

  9. the fall when the universe lost its rhythm... and the calling to the sun to find a way again after a phase of silence... there's much hope in this

  10. interesting lines.. a lot of things to ponder and find.

  11. First -- I love John Bauer's paintings, all of them takes me right back to my childhood.. and the particular one we had on the wall at one point (a print of course).. I like how you catch us inbetween the micro of DNA and the macro of the stars.. that memory an interesting bridge...

  12. The same lines Grace quoted really spoke to me. An intriguing write, Audrey!

  13. I love this. I love the connection between our feet firmly planted on earth and our ability to soar in the heavens, Audrey.

  14. I think the warrior woman charging on the horse will get there anyway.The sun and the stars seem to favour determination.

  15. An interesting take on life and consciousness. We all share that 'junk' dna. Also, a great unity of sorts is shown, with the moonlight calling on the sun. There's much implied in so few words. Excellent job.
    Steve K.

  16. I read this and felt the threads of connection between sun and stars and moon and you and me... all.

  17. I love it all! 'a memory imprinted' very good. Thought provoking, indeed!

  18. Moonlight dancing on bits of memory...and that memory imprinted. Beautiful writing,


  19. i was captivated by this moonlit poem!

    the accompanying picture is a wonderful additive!

    great write!

  20. I love the idea of that golden thread of inner memory that imprints upon us from another world, reminding us, almost that we have another home, that we are spirit as well as body. This is a beautiful poem.

  21. "as the universe found its rhythm." this struck me I just loved it..

    1. Thank you Mandy for finding my little blog here--it is where I sort things out for myself

  22. You poetry gave me a hope to get rhythm too. It touched me a lot.


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